Tomorrow Water at WEFTEC 2023
Booth #455 – South Building
Tomorrow Water Sessions
#1851 - The Media is the Message: New Primary Treatment Process Based on Synthetic Media Biofiltration Allows for a More Sustainable and Resilient Alternative to CEPT in a Retrofittable Package
Come listen to more Proteus success stories, the most efficient and simplest to use advanced primary treatment (APT) technology in the market!
Monday, October 2nd | 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Location: Room S501a - Level 5
Session (1:30 PM - 3:00 PM): Primary Treatment Technologies: Should We Settle for Conventional Primary Sedimentation?
Track: Municipal Wastewater Treatment Process and Design
#1842 - Quenching Big-Data's Thirst: A Novel Water Recycling Strategy for Datacenter Cooling & Community Reuse
If you have not heard yet about the novel Co-Flow concept, this is your opportunity!
Tuesday October 3rd, 2:00 PM - 2:20 PM
Location: Room S501d - Level 5
Session (1:30 PM - 3:00 PM): The Future of Datacenters: From Water Users to Water Stewards
Track: Industrial Issues and Treatment Technologies
Let It Flow - BeFlow®, A Continuous Granular Sludge Process
And last but not least, the latest addition to our impressive suite of technologies and processes: BeFlow.
Wednesday, October 4th, 1:35 PM - 1.45 PM
Location: Technology Spotlight Theater - Booth 6139 - North Hall B
Session (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM): Technology Spotlight: Do It Better with Biofilms: Biofilm Treatment Technologies for Secondary Treatment Intensification (Non-Mobile)